Meet the Team
Marilyn Johnson is a dedicated realtor, wife, mother, musician, and grandmother.
Born in California, raised in rural Oklahoma, and educated in Texas, Marilyn has made Colorado her home since 1991. As a former teacher, she takes the time to educate her clients on their options for buying and selling real estate. She also shares her passion for developing retirement wealth through real estate.
When not focused on helping her clients, Marilyn enjoys music and family. Whether playing in a band, leading worship at her church, or spending time with her husband, five sons, one daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, Marilyn enjoys life to the fullest.
If you're seeking a realtor who understands the significance of finding the perfect place to call home and protecting the value of your property, call Marilyn to embark on your real estate journey.
Adri efficiently manages her professional responsibilities while balancing the demands of being a mother to four children. As a native of Colorado, she has an extensive knowledge of cities and neighborhoods in and around the Denver Metro Area. With a keen eye for detail, she assists with marketing and office administration.
When not busy with real estate marketing, Adri enjoys playing sports and spending time with her family.
As a digital designer with an emphasis in animation, Nathan brings a unique perspective to the world of real estate marketing. While pursuing his Bachelor of Arts degree from Grand Canyon University, he gained valuable experience designing logos and videos for various courses and for family members. Nathan's passion for creating visually stunning designs that capture attention and convey a sense of professionalism has only grown over time.
In addition to his work at his mother's real estate company, he also enjoys honing his artistic skills through drawing, painting, and other creative endeavors. Connect with Nathan on LinkedIn (
) to learn more about his work.
© 2024 Marilyn Johnson Realtor LLC - All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: All photos are homes sold by Marilyn and all quotes are from Marilyn's clients. However, photos do not necessarily correspond to the quotes given.